On completion of the online course, we offer graduates a list of Canadian language schools where others have successfully completed this module and they meet TESL Canada requirements consistently.  At the moment there are in-class and online options available. They charge $600, on average, for the 20-hour Practicum and you would pay them when you are ready to start.


The second option is the Stand-Alone Practicum, which graduates can complete anywhere in the world and is popular with teachers employed or volunteering at a language school because it's cheaper or often free for them. It's also possible to complete it at a volunteer center or LINC program for an exchange. And, TESL Canada currently offers provisional certificates (Until July 2023 or any further extension due to COVID flexibility), so it's possible to get a job and complete the Practicum at the school later. 


For both options, OnTESOL graduates need to make arrangements directly with the language school or Practicum Supervisor and request approval to start from the Director of Studies at OnTESOL, who will approve the Practicum Supervisor and ESL-related classes, provide the guidelines, moderate the final documents, and issue the Practicum certificate. 


OnTESOL does not charge any fees for Practicum approval, moderation, or first copy of TESOL certification. Any fees related to the Practicum must be arranged directly with the language school or Practicum Supervisor offering this service, and are generally related to the Teaching Practice portion of the Practicum (10 hours for the 20-hour Practicum; 20 hours for the 50-hour Practicum). You can learn more about Practicum requirements for class hours, age of students, processes, and qualifications of Practicum Supervisor at https://ontesol.com/tesl-practicum