Does the 250-hour course lead to TESL Ontario accreditation?

Does the 250-hour course lead to TESL Ontario accreditation?

The 250-hour course offered by OnTESOL does not lead to TESL Ontario OCELT Level accreditation. OnTESOL graduates can upgrade with TESL Ontario OCELT with an accredited provider offering Parts 1 and 2 separately. 

Ontario is the only province where LINC programs require TESL Ontario OCELT. LINC programs in all other provinces accept a minimum of TESL Canada Professional Standard 1 certification. 

On completion of the online 120-hour course (included also in the 168-hour Hybrid TEFL Certificate) you will receive a 120-hour Advanced TESOL certificate from Coventry House International-OnTESOL. You will be eligible for TESL Canada 1 and/or TESL Ontario CTESOL certification on completion of the Practicum and other requirements.  Please visit for more information.